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Introduction to the application scope of isobutyl nitrite

Isobutyl nitrite, also known as 2-methylpropyl nitrite, is a compound widely used in various industries. This article aims to introduce the application range of isobutyl nitrite and its uses in different fields. One of the main applications of isobutyl nitrite is in the pharmaceutical industry. I...

Sodium borohydride: the future of green chemistry and sustainable solutions

In the ever-evolving world of chemistry, the pursuit of more environmentally friendly alternatives has become crucial. As our awareness of climate change and environmental impacts continues to grow, scientists have turned their attention to finding sustainable solutions. Among them, sodium borohy...

Unlocking the multifunctional capabilities of acetyl chloride: a key ingredient in the modern chemical industry

Within the vast chemical industry, certain compounds play a key role in creating a variety of products we use every day. One such versatile compound is acetyl chloride. Although it may be unfamiliar to many people, this colorless and irritating liquid holds immense importance due to its unique pr...